Saturday, February 23, 2013

Great Tips for Sinus Health this Flu Season

Sinus Flushing with a Neti Pot
This ancient practice involves flushing the sinuses with warm purified water and a sea salt solution. We love Baraka netipots. According to the Baraka website, using a neti pot:
  • Relieves pain, pressure and congestion by liquefying the excess mucous in your nasal passages and flushing it out.
  • Keeps the cilia (basically, tiny hairs) in your nasal passages moving so they flush out bacteria, allergens and other irritants. Congested or dry sinuses are a breeding ground for infection.
Sinus problems are caused by ““a breakdown in the normal function and protective role of the nasal cavity,”” explains University of Wisconsin Medical School Professor, David Rabago M.D.  ““The lining of the nasal cavity protects the upper respiratory system against infecton by viruses and bacteria,”” he says. ““When the mucosa is inadequate to the task, sinus symptoms can result.”” Research by Dr. Ra␣bago suggests that nasal rinsing helps the nasal mucosa do its job.

A variation we love is to dip a toothpick in Purification essential oil and mix into salt (1 drop of oil is too strong) then add salt to water.

Nasal Swabbing
This simple trick comes from Tara Rayburn. It can be done afer using the neti pot, throughout the day, or just before bedtime.

Castor Oil
Purification, Raven or R.C. Blend Essential Oil
Small Glass jar with lid

1) Fill small jar less than 1/4 way full with castor oil.
2) Add 1 to 2 drops of essential oil and stir.
3) After blowing your nose and/or using the neti pot, dip the tip of a cotton swab into the mixture and swab each nostril thoroughly.
4) Repeat as needed throughout the day.
5) The mixture will keep quite awhile. Don’’t double dip. Dip cotton swabs in only one time each.

Cool Mist Diffusing with Essential Oils
Cool mist diffusing is a simple yet effective way to get essential oils into the sinuses and respiratory system. It’’s like a nebulizer with natural, uplifting essential oils. Some great essential oils to diffuse if you are looking to boost your immunity are lemon, Thieves, and Purification.

AVOID heated oil diffusers. Heatng the oils can break them down and detract from their healing properties.

Homemade Cough Syrup with Essential Oils
You can mix raw, local, organic honey with 1-2 drops of therapeutic grade essential oil on a spoon. Place the mixture in your mouth and hold it there for a moment allowing the oils to drip up to the si- nus cavity. Swallow and repeat 2-4 times a day as needed.

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