Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Weekly Wellness Tip: Get Your Courage On!

Massage Valor® onto your neck, chest, and shoulders after your morning shower to relieve tension and increase feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem. Valor enhances your internal resources and helps align your body’s energy.

This Young Living proprietary blend contains
  • blue tansy which is distilled from the flowering plant by the same name and has a sweet aroma and beautiful blue color,
  • spruce, one of the softer and sweeter smelling evergreen oils that is refreshing and invigorating,
  • rosewood, which has a woody, floral scent that comforts and soothes, and
  • frankincense, known for its sweet, balsamic aroma that stimulates and elevates the mind, as well as rejuvenates the skin. 

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