Sunday, September 30, 2012

Anxiety Relief

I came across this great testimonial today and had to share:

"I began putting frankincense (just a couple drops diluted with olive oil) on my feet each night for general immune support. For as long as I can remember, Ive dealt with varying degrees of anxiety. Most of the time its no big deal, but its always there somewhere in the back of my mind.

After a few weeks of nightly application of the frankincense, I realized the anxiety was gone. I felt very centered, grounded, and relaxed; even about things that normally would trigger a high level of stress for me.

Then I got lazy and stopped using the frankincense, and the anxiety came right back. I liked being free of that, so now I'm sticking to my nightly ritual and have added a drop of the Peace and Calming blend layered on top of the frankincense.

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