Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thyme Essential Oil More Effective Against Acne Than Benzoyl Peroxide!

I must admit that I used to be a loyal benzoyl peroxide user in my teens and early twenties thinking it would combat my acne.  Despite recommendations (and prescriptions!) from my dermatologist at the time, I used it with some benefit, but mostly suffered through the side effects of red, inflamed, and dry skin--that was still broken out!

According to one of my favorite blogs, No More Dirty Looks, benzoyl peroxide doesn't just cause skin-burning, peeling, and sun sensitivity, but studies have shown that it is free radical generating and actually causes tumors in mice!  Eek!  Europe has actually banned over the counter sale of benzoyl peroxide.

Researchers at Leeds Metropolitan University tested three tinctures of thyme, marigold, and myrrh against the bacteria that causes acne. All had some effect, but thyme was found to be more powerful against the bacteria than benzoyl peroxide.

The lead researcher commented that, “The problem with treatments containing benzoyl peroxide is the side-effects they are associated with,” said Dr Gomez-Escalada. “A burning sensation and skin irritation are not uncommon. Herbal preparations are less harsh on the skin due to their anti-inflammatory properties while our results suggest they can be just as, if not more, effective than chemical treatments.”

Interested in learning more about thyme?  It even helps fight superbugs!

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