Friday, August 31, 2012

Never Leave Home Without it...Thieves!

It is only the second week of school and I already have a bit of a cold.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised since these little kindergarteners cough and sneeze all over me and everything else!  I have been slathering my thieves essential oil on my feet every evening before bed and every morning before I head to the germ factory (aka school).  I've also been gargling with the stuff (a sure fire way to keep a sore throat at bay!) and rubbing a few drops of lemon on my throat and chest.  I'm certain my regimen is helping me to keep this cold and its symptoms at a minimum.  Hopefully the long holiday weekend will give me a chance to rest and recover!

Want to know more about the incredible Thieves essential oil?  Read here and here.  I'm never without my Thieves!

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