Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Spotlight: Thyme Essential Oil

Many of you are probably familiar with thyme as a popular spice for cooking.  This small, woody evergreen shrub was used by early inhabitants of Mediterranean countries for health and culinary purposes.  According to Roberta Wilson in her her book, Aromatherapy: Essential Oils for Vibrant Health and Beauty, Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, spoke highly of thyme's healing properties.

Thyme essential oil can be used medicinally for:
  • combating infection and improving immunity by increasing the production of white blood cells.
  • fighting gum, mouth, and throat infections if used in a mouthwash.
  • reducing inflammation and irritation of skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis , eczema, and other types of dermatitis.
  • accelerating the healing of bruises, burns, cuts, sores, and wounds.
  • soothing the sting of insect bites.
  • reducing some of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome such as sluggishness.
  • stimulating menstrual flow.
  • increasing circulation and elevating low blood pressure.
  • relieving the pain of arthritis, sore muscles, and sprains.
  • easing the pain of headaches, including migraines.
  • fighting athlete's foot.
Its beauty benefits include:
  • increasing circulation to the skin and regulating oily skin.
  • encourages the elimination of wastes that contribute to cellulite.
Thyme also has emotional benefits.  It
  • strengthens your nerves when you are experiencing emotional fatigue.
  • eases nervousness and stress
  • can reduce the severity or frequency of anxiety attacks.
  • enhances memory and increases concentration.
Because thyme essential oil can stimulate menstrual flow, it should be avoided during pregnancy.  People with hypothyroidism or high blood pressure should avoid this essential oil. 

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