Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Young Living 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse

Are you looking to get your health back on track after indulging this holiday season? Why not try the Young Living 5 Day Nutritive Cleanse? Our friend, Heidi, has done the cleanse and plans to do it again in 2013. According to Heidi,

It felt good to end the cleanse and know that I had the discipline and self control to follow it through ‐ even though it's only 5 days. The program made a big impact in helping curb my unhealthy food cravings and showing me just how much mindless snacking I was doing when I
did not even feel hungry. I also realized I wasn't drinking nearly enough water each day. I like the chart they provide with the program too. It was nice for me not to have to think about or decide what my snacks would
be. Everything was mapped out for me. I even put the chart in a plastic sleeve and crossed each block off after every meal/snack...Overall, doing the cleanse was a great 'reset' for my eating habits and helped kick off good dietary changes that, along with exercise, helped me to lose 15 lbs. of lingering baby weight over the 12 weeks following the cleanse. I'm small very happy about that side effect!

This Young Living cleanse includes a Balance Complete shake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We recommend blending the shake with 8 ounces of unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a few ice cubes for added taste! According to Young Living resources, Balance Complete “is an energizing, superfood shake high in a Young Living proprietary fiber blend called V‐ Fiber.” The shake is paired with Digest + Cleanse, a pill that supplies therapeutic‐grade peppermint, caraway, lemon, and other essential oils directly to the intestines as well as 2 ounces of Ning‐ Xia Red three times a day. According to Young Living, “NingXia Red provides dynamic and sustainable energy, making it ideal for maintaining energy while cleansing.  NingXia Red is loaded with nutrients that nourish and support pancreatic and liver function. Like Balance Complete, NingXia Red contains constituents that may help maintain normal blood sugar levels. It is high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, flavonoids, carotenoids, cerebrosides, pyrolles, and zeaxanthin.” The nutritive cleanse comes with a daily instruction chart as well as snacks to eat between shakes (usually consisting of a fruit or vegetable and nuts or nut butter).

5 Day Nutritive Cleanse retail cost: $128.29, wholesale cost: $97.50

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