Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Favorite Way to Catch Some Z's

According to Dr. Frank Lipman, "A quiet, dark room is essential to a good night’s sleep."  Despite having black out shades in our bedroom, it always seems that light peeks in through cracks and corners or my husband is up late on his ipad.  Thankfully, several years ago, my friend turned me on to the magic of a good sleep mask.  I've tried several in my quest for the perfect one--some were too tight and did not adjust, others were bulky and fell off in the night, and some were just generally uncomfortable.  Then I found the Laura Langley sleep mask from Spirit Beauty Lounge.  Not only is this mask beautiful in its variety of colors and designs, but it is adjustable and oh so comfy!  Perfect for an afternoon nap or a sound nights sleep.

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