Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday Spotlight: Dragon Time Essential Oil

I realize my Monday Spotlight is a day late (oops!), but here it is!

Dragon Time has been on my wish list for quite awhile.  If you are a woman who struggles with PMS symptoms and menstrual discomforts such as cramping and irregular periods then read on!  This amazing oil helps balance emotions, alleviating mood swings and headaches caused by hormonal imbalance.

  • Clary Sage: supports the body's production of scleral, important for balancing hormones.  It contains natural sclareol, a phytoestrogen that mimics estrogen function.  It helps with menstrual cramps, PMS, circulatory problems, and hormone balancing.
  • Lavender: is a relaxant that relieves anxiety, headaches, and PMS symptoms.
  • Jasmine: is used for muscle spasms, frigidity, depression, and nervous exhaustion and helps bring out the feminine attributes.
  • Fennel: is antiseptic and antispasmodic.  It has estrogen-like and hormone-like activity.
  • Marjoram: relieves muscle spasms and calms nerves.  It relieves menopausal symptoms as well as painful periods.
  • Yarrow: balances hormones and reduces inflammation.
How to Use:
  • Dilute 1 part essential oil to 1 part carrier oil.
  • Diffuse, directly inhale, or add 2-4 drops to bath water.
  • Apply 1-2 drops on wrists, neck, temples, or feet.
  • Dilute 1:15 with carrier oil for full body massage.
  • Apply with a hot compress or directly over lower abdomen, across lower back, or on location of pain.  May also be used on both sides of ankles and feet. 

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