Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Walking and Your Pets

Who could resist walking this guy?
Guest Post by Catherine Von Hatten

This is the last post in our series on walking...enjoy!
If you aren’t yet convinced that walking is beneficial, consider your pets. A regular walk is vital to your pet’s health. Obesity in pets is associated with a number of health problems including osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, and insulin resistance.

Most dogs need at least one walk a day, although some active breeds may require more. Walking provides an outlet for a dog’s energy and provides a routine opportunity for training. Dogs have natural roaming and exploring instincts that are met by walking “in a pack” with their human companions.  Walks provide dogs with mental and physical stimulation, as well as social interaction.

What about cats? Studies show that cats who are constrained inside the house show significant signs of boredom and depression. These are not likely to be noticed since cats cannot verbally or even physically tell their companions that they are bored and depressed. The study found particular behaviors that were associated with depression…scratching furniture, for example. Additionally, the incidence of obesity in cats is a growing problem. Walking a cat is an important part of keeping them healthy. Experts suggest starting kittens with a leash and harness so they are used to walking with you outside.

And for the humans involved, studies show a multitude of benefits from walking with your pets.
·     A study reported at the International Society for Anthrozoology found that seniors benefit more from regular walking sessions with shelter dogs than from scheduled walks with friends or a spouse.
·     Cindy Lentino, an exercise scientist at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services in Washington, D.C. found that regular dog walkers had a lower body mass index, BMI, and fewer chronic conditions and depressive symptoms than their counterparts. They also sat less every day, used less tobacco and had more social support.

Regular exercise with your pet is good for both you and your pet's health and can be great fun. There's nothing like an exercise partner who's waiting by the door with a wagging tail to keep you motivated!

“Are There Benefits in Wallking Your Cat? Ken456,

“The Benefits of Walking Your Dog,”

“Dog walking - the health benefits,” Better Health Channel,

“Dog Walking May Lead to Big Health Benefits,” Jennifer Davis, Arthritis Today, 6/11/10,
“Walking with shelter dogs better than friends for seniors, “  Sharon L. Peters, Special for USA TODAY, Posted 10/19/2009,

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