Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Purification Essential Oil

Photo from Young Living Circle
Uses for Young Living Purification Oil Blend

Purification is an antiseptic  blend of citronella, rosemary, lavandin, and lemongrass, and Melaleuca created by Young Living. It is designed to eliminate unwanted odors, purify the air, and sooth cuts, scratches, and insect bites. It can neutralize mildew and eliminate cigarette or other disagreeable odors.

Some favorite uses for Purification…

·      Put a few drops on a cotton ball and place around the house where you need it most to eliminate odors.

·      Mix a few drops with water and put in a spray bottle. Spray furniture and carpets to freshen them.

·      Clean bathroom surfaces with it to remove mildew and hard-water stains.

·      Mix 1 cup of baking soda and twenty drops of Purification and sprinkle some in the kitty litter box to reduce odors.

·      The same blend mentioned above can be sprinkled on carpets when pets have accidents.

·      Apply topically to bites from spiders, bees, hornets, and wasps to cleanse and soothe the skin.

·      Apply topically to mosquito bites to alleviate the itch. Some people find that a few drops in water repels insects.

·      Diffuse in the air to eliminate odors.

·      Inhale while traveling to protect yourself from airborne pathogens.

·      Apply a drop of Purification on skin blemishes to hasten healing.

·      Rub a drop of Purification on blisters to cleanse and disinfect.

·      Put two drops on a cotton ball and insert in smelly sneakers to reduce odor.

·      Put a drop on a cotton swab and place in front of your cold water humidifier to clean the air.

·      Dilute in a carrier oil and swab the inside of the nasal passages to ward off colds and sinus infections.

·      Mix a few drops of Purification and Peppermint oil in a carrier oil. Put a drop on a cotton swab and wipe just inside your cat or dogs ears to eliminate mites or odors.

Have you tried Purification? What are some of your favorite uses? We would love to hear from you.

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