Saturday, January 26, 2013

Making Your Own Natural Skin Care Products

Many products available for skin care have chemicals that aren’t good for us. Mixing up your own recipes ensures that you know exactly what you are putting on your body.

Here are a few suggestions from experts about making your own products:
  • Oils are best for dry skin says Kathy Thorpe, a certified classical homeopath and owner of Six Persimmons Apothecary in Boulder. “With oil already on your skin, it knows how to respond, more so than with cream.”
  • Your choice of carrier oil depends on how you plan to use your recipe. Carrier oils are vegetable oils that can be used to dilute essential oils. They help spread essential oils more evenly and ensure that you aren’t using something so potent it will irritate your skin. Good choices include jojoba, almond, olive, coconut, sesame, sunflower, and grape seed oils, although there are many others. The highest quality carrier oils are organic and unrefined.
  • Scrubs are easy to make at home with natural products that won’t remove helpful bacteria that reside on our skin. Try honey, salt, sugar, oats, or al‐mond meal as a base for scrubs to exfoliate and moisturize your skin.
For more information and recipes, check out the following:‐your‐own‐natural‐ skin‐products

Aromatherapy by Roberta Wilson (Avery, New York, 2002)

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