Monday, May 28, 2012

Thieves Mouthwash

According to the Environmental Work Group, many mouthwashes found in stores can actually cause problems for the health of your teeth, gums, and body.  See the list below for common ingredients and what they are actually doing inside your mouth...
  • alcohol "dries and changes the pH of the mouth and throat and long-term use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes increases the risk of mouth and throat cancers."  For more information on the topic read this article in the Huffington Post.
  • poloxamer 407, a mild detergent "that is soluble in liquids at low temperatures but turns to a gel at higher temperatures (ie, body temperature). That makes it a film-former, "glueing" other ingredients on to the surfaces of the mouth for longer." 
  • synthetic colors, aromas and flavors "are made from volatile solvents that can alter the basic flora of the mouth and may cause dermatitis."
I recently made the switch to Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash.  I love this stuff!  With peppermint, spearmint, lemon, and rosemary essential oils my mouth feels truly clean without the burn of alcohol or other chemicals.

Here are some other positive testimonials about Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash...

"On a recent dental exam, it was noted that I had very low levels of plaque, tartar and stain. I attribute this improvement from past years to the fact that I use Thieves mouthwash on a daily basis and I use the Dentarome toothpastes. In past years I had major gum recession. This is now down to a low level. Again I attribute these improved results to Young Living's oral hygiene products."

"I used to have some problem with sensitive gums on one side of my mouth. Then I started using Young Living's Dentarome Ultra toothpaste and the Thieves mouthwash before bed. It wasn't long before the gum sensitivity dissappeared. Thank God for YLEO products!"

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