Thursday, May 31, 2012

Do you use a neti pot?

I've been using a neti pot for many years.  I love how it clears my sinuses and generally helps my sinus health and well-being.  I recently dropped the neti pot that I've had for years on our tile bathroom floor and had to invest in a new one.  My new Baraka neti pot is amazing!  I don't know what it is, but it works like a charm and looks like a piece of art work sitting on my bathroom counter.  My old pot had a handle and I was a little hesitant that the Baraka brand did not, but I honestly think the design is perfect and fits nicely in my hand.

What is a neti pot you ask?  It is a small "tea pot" looking vessel used for nasal irrigation (a process where the nasal cavaties are flushed of excess mucus and debris).  According to the Baraka website, there are many reasons to use a neti pot.

Using a neti pot:
  1. Relieves pain, pressure and congestion by liquefying the excess mucous in your nasal passages and flushing it out.
  2. Keeps the cilia (basically, tiny hairs) in your nasal passages moving so they flush out bacteria, allergens and other irritants. Congested or dry sinuses are a breeding ground for infection.
Need more proof that you should try this nasal cleansing method?  Neti pot use has soared since Dr. Mehmet Oz recommended them on Oprah in 2007. The show’s website quotes Dr. Oz as saying neti pot use “may be more effective than medication.”

Using the neti pot and still struggling with sinus congestion, allergies, and dry nasal passages?  Try the nasal swabbing recipe Mom swears by it!

5 ml castor oil*
3-5 drops of Young Living Purification essential oil

Dip a q-tip into the solution and gently swab the inside of you nasal passage.

*save your empty Young Living oil bottles and makes blends such as these in them

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