Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Whipped Coconut Body Butter

Photo from The Nourished Life
 According to The Well Daily, "the average woman uses 515 chemicals on her skin every day. And our skin absorbs over 60% of what we put on it, which means every time you use non-organic products you’re letting a ton of toxins into your system—toxins that have been linked to multiple types of cancers (as well as many other diseases)."

I mentioned before in this post that your skin is your bodies largest organ.  Keeping this in mind, it only makes sense that we should be careful of what we put on our skin.

Since being introduced to essential oils, I have started to make most of the products I use on my skin--this is an easy way for me to insure that I know exactly what is being put on and being absorbed into my body.  One of my favorite moisturizers is coconut oil, but it can be troublesome to apply as it turns solid in cooler temperatures. 

Recently, I came upon this recipe for whipped coconut body butter.  The key word here is whipped--by putting the coconut oil in your mixer with the whisk attachment for 6-7 minutes the coconut oil turns into a light and fluffy consistency that is easy to apply every single time!  No more wrestling with chunks of coconut oil.  Not only is this recipe great for your skin and body, but it is affordable too!

Homemade Whipped Coconut Body Butter Recipe (adapted from a recipe on The Nourished Life)
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • up to 40 drops of an essential oil of your choice
  1. Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  2. Mix on high speed with a wire whisk for 6-7 minutes
  3. Spoon the whipped coconut oil body butter into a glass jar and cover tightly
  4. Enjoy!


  1. I am TOTALLY going to do this! I already love using coconut oil as a moisturizer but have a hard time applying it in the chunk form. What essential oil combo do you like best with the coconut? THANKS FOR THE TIP!

  2. I use lavender and frankincense essential oil in pretty much everything I apply to my skin! I also really enjoy mixing lavender, frankincense, ylang ylang, geranium, and just a drop of orange essential oil.


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