Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A New Favorite Thing

I am a self proclaimed home body.  After a long day of teaching, there is nothing I love more than coming home, getting in my comfy clothes, and lounging.  For years, I had a membership to a great gym where I religiously went to yoga twice a week.  This past winter, however, it became harder and harder for me to force myself out into the cold and to the gym after I had gotten home for the day.  I decided to cancel my gym membership and promised myself I would incorporate a home yoga practice into my life. 

Remarkably, I stuck to my promise, but I found myself missing my yoga instructor.  There is something oh so relaxing about turning your mind off and being guided through a sequence of poses.  With a little research I found Yogaglo--a site that offers "unlimited yoga classes from the comfort of your own home."

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned yogi, this site has something for everyone.  Only have 10 minutes to practice?  Search under the "duration" tab and find a class that meets your allotted time requirement.  This site allows members to also search and find classes by teacher, style, level, and specific use. 

My latest find is yin yoga--not quite restorative, but definitely not vinyasa flow, I love these classes on the days that I'm completely exhausted, but need to release the tension from my day.

Check out and sign up for their 15 day free trial.  You won't be disappointed!

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