Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Testimonial: Lavender to Help with Allergies

Photo from www.7thsouthcarolina.com

The more I use and experiment with essential oils, the more surprised I am by their benefits and ability to heal.  Today, I wanted to share an amazing story about the power of lavender to help with allergies. 

My friend Gianna suffers from seasonal allergies as well as pet allergies.  The other day she came over to my house and was loving on my two large dogs (despite her allergy to dogs!).  Minutes later she could feel an allergy attack coming on and I could tell by looking at her watery eyes and blotchy skin that she was about to be very uncomfortable.  I asked if she would be willing to try some essential oils and if they didn't work I would give her some Benedryl.  She agreed, and I gave her a drop of lavender in her palm.  She dipped her finger in the lavender and then applied it to the inside of each of her cheeks (this is where it is important to make sure you are using therapeutic grade lavender, for more information see my blog post here).  Minutes later her allergy symptoms were gone--not just temporarily relieved, but gone!  We were both shocked.

If you are interested in learning more about using essential oils to help with allergies listen to this podcast at Essential Oils Experience.  Scroll down and listen to Episode #3. 

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