Monday, March 12, 2012

Flu Shot in a Bottle

I have been using Thieves oil all winter long to keep myself healthy.  As a kindergarten teacher, I come into contact with a lot of nasty germs.  I can safely say that I have not had any major colds or illness all winter!  This is a big statement considering that last flu season I had strep throat twice (having never had it before in my life).  I was told by my doctor at the time that once you "get" strep throat you are more suseptible to it in the future.  I was fearful going in to flu season this year, but thankfully I was armed with Thieves!

Thieves is an antiviral, antiseptic, and antibacterial blend of clove, lemon, eucalyptus radiata, cinnamon bark, and rosemary essential oils.  
  •  clove essential oil is nature's richest source of eugenol--the highest scoring single ingredient tested for its antioxidant capacity on the ORAC scale.
  • lemon essential oil is a powerful antioxidant and natural solvent and cleaner
  • cinnamon bark relieves discomfort during the winter season and supports the digestive system
  • eucalyptus radiata is effective against bacteria in topical applications
  • rosemary is naturally energizing, restores mental alertness, and is high in cineol, a key ingredient in antiseptic drugs
This oil got its name from a group of 15th century thieves who robbed dead and dying bodies during the plague.  When they were caught and put on trial they bargained for a more lenient sentence by divulging their secret--they used the same blend of essential oils to protect themselves from getting the plague.

Studies at Weber State University show a 90% decrease in gram positive Micrococcus luteus organisms after diffusing Thieves for 12 minutes.  After diffusing 20 minutes, there was a 99.3% reduction. 

Still aren't convinced of the protective powers of Thieves?  Read the testimonials below!  

"I work in the hospital and I believe my Thieves oil is my greatest protection.  My husband was very sick with a bad cold and so I used Thieves in my diffuser and put on the bottoms of my feet everyday.  I did not get sick.  He is now a believer and uses it everyday too!  I also do not catch all the colds my co-workers get!  I keep the hand sanitizer on my desk and use the hand soap and cleaner at home.  Kills MRSA and C-diff!!!  Don't leave home without it!"  Lisa, RN

"I lived in an environment that had over 90% humidity most of the time.  As you can imagine, mold was a problem.  I found that cleaning surfaces with Thieves cleaner acted as a deterrant to regrowth of mold and mildew on cabinets, closets, walls, etc.  I diffused Thieves in rooms to destroy mold in the air.  My house was never cleaner, it smelled great, and I did not have to use harsh chemicals."  Catherine

Check back in later this week for more posts about Thieves oil as well as the amazing Thieves household cleaner!

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