Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

My friends Laura and Sue recently switched to a mostly vegan and juicing lifestyle.  Their inspiration for this lifestyle change came partly from the film Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.  After hearing them rave, my curiosity was peeked and I decided to give this film a view.

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead is a documentary that chronicles one man's journey to health.  Joe Cross, a native Australian, is 100 pounds overweight and suffering from an autoimmune disease that has him swallowing over ten pills a day.  With limited options, Cross decides to trust the natural healing powers of his body and goes on a 60 day juice fast--a remarkable feat for a man used to eating the Standard American Diet (processed foods, greasy hamburgers, pizza, and sweets).  During his fast, Cross travels across the United States talking to people along the way.  At a truck stop in Arizona, Cross meets Phil, a truck driver weighing in at 480 pounds.  Not only is Phil morbidly obese, but he also suffers from the same autoimmune disease as Cross.  Inspired by Cross, Phil decides to embark on his own juice journey and the results are nothing less than remarkable.

I now understand why my friends ran out and bought a juicer!  If you haven't tried a glass of fresh juice (not from a store bought bottle!), I really encourage you to give it a try.  Health food stores like Whole Foods often have juice bars where you can sample before you spend the money to buy your own juicer.  One of my favorite juice combinations is orange, apple, carrot.  It tastes like sunshine!

Check out Cross' website at to find out more about the movie, read testimonials about juicing, or even sign up to do a juice cleanser yourself.

Interested in learning more about Joe Cross and his lifestyle?  He was recently interviewed by The Wellness Warrior.

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